It was necessary to demolish the existing garage to improve the space to meet the current building regulations.
The front of the property showing the (nearly) finished works.
A new single storey side extension and a porch to match! The client also had a new kitchen and a large patio installed to the rear of the property.
The existing garage construction was not salvageable for the new design.
Demolishing it was one of the first steps for this build, giving a clear space to work onwards from.
It is common to use machinery to excavate foundations but sometimes buried services are encountered.
Luckily though, we don't mind getting muddy so we completely hand dug the porch and sections of the side extension.
The footings are poured to precise levels and then carefully set out brickwork goes in to ensure that the building is perfectly in line with where it should be.
The hardcore base for the ground bearing floor slab is also shown here.
Before the DPM can be installed, the hardcore is softened with a sand blinding. This stops any sharp stone penetrating the damp proof envelope and aids levelling.
The damp proof membrane is installed to stop water rising up through the floor once the works are complete.
Dependant on the weather it also acts as a giant puddle for a large part of the works!
The cavity walls are raised up to the eaves level. This shot was taken during the installing of the lintels. Once the masonry is up to roof height the timber wall plates can be installed.
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